The Philippines is blessed with an abundance of bananas and it has been one of the top fruit exports to foreign countries for a long time. But more than just its varieties and versatility in terms of how to cook (nilaga, barbecue, grilled, additive to soup dishes), banana is the only fruit that never gives babies allergic reaction. Part of this is because of its protective packaging – peel which can also be made into sauce and paste. Here’s how it is done.
For every kilo of banana peelings (cavendish or saba), add:
- 12 tbsp sugar
- 9 tbsp vinegar
- 1/4 tsp sodium benzoate
- salt and pepper to taste
- Wash and slice the banana peelings into small pieces. Remove fibers.
- Dip in boiling water for about 10 minutes.
- Add 2 cups water, mash well, strain in muslin cloth.
- Add the sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper.
- Cook in a casserole with cover for 10 minutes.
- Add vinegar syrup with flavoring and continue stirring until thick.
- Add 1/4 tsp sodium benzoate.
- Transfer in clean bottles, cover tightly.
- Boil for 15 minutes in water, cool.
Paste from Banana Peelings
For every kilo of banana peelings, add:
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 cup water
- Dip the peelings in boiling water for 10 minutes.
- Add 2 cups water to the peelings, mash well and strain in a muslin cloth.
- Add salt.
- Cook until a thick paste is attained.
- Pour into clean bottles, remove the air.
- Boil for 15 minutes, cool.